Results by INFLUENCE
Results by INFLUENCE
Investment: UGX 500,000
The purpose of this influencing training is to help participants focus on understanding, developing and adapting influencing styles to best suit individual situations. The course focuses on looking at participant behaviors and influencing style, how to adapt this to different situations and how they can approach situations where people have different styles and different levels of commitment.
The skills and models discussed in this influencing training will help your participants with managing workload and performance, developing those around them, influencing people other than their own team and influencing people more senior than them.
The Influencing training course is interactive and engaging and covers the following key areas:
What is Influencing? – Looking at the methods and principles we use to get others to do things. How we sometimes think we are influencing when we are not why influencing is an important skill to develop
Effective Influencing Behavior – Understanding the behavior behind effective influencing skills and their impact on influence
Different Influencing Styles – Being able to explain the influencing styles we use, when is the best time to use them and why they are effective
Trust – Why trust is a cornerstone to influencing others. What trust means in an influencing relationship and how to develop it.
Rapport and First Impressions – How to build rapport, develop good relationships and set a good first impression
Influencing Skills Practice Activity – A fun activity that examines the skills learnt so far and judges personal approaches to influencing
Your Influencing Style – A chance to examine the participants own influencing style through a questionnaire followed by a set action plan to develop weaker skills further
Power and Influence – Identifying power bases and how they affect influencing. Why it’s important to be aware of them and where and when they might not be effective
The TUPAC Model: Influencing Stages – A set model for the five stages of influencing, which gives participants a clear process to follow and helps them understand where influencing mistakes occur
Influencing in Groups – Spotting the difference with influencing groups and recognizing the difficulties they may encounter when trying to influence large numbers
Influencing Practice Activity 2 – A final chance to pull all of the group skills together through a fun activity. This is supported with a full group review and clear actions.
At the end of this influencing training course the participants will be able to:
- State the fundamental principles of influencing other people individually or in groups
- Describe the role of power with regards to influencing
- Identify their preferred influencing style and the impact this has on others
- Identify Barriers and Enablers to Influencing
- Describe and demonstrate their influencing skills via group exercise